Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Fresh Canvas

New Mercies Every Morning... that's what we're promised and that's what I'm grabbing. With both fists. Sometimes with teeth gritted and that really scrunchy determined look on my face. (Pretty, I know.) Then I realize it's not supposed to be that hard because the new mercies are already mine. Why do I make it so hard on myself? Who knows...

I'm starting new today - even though it is 10:35pm and I will be climbing into my cozy bed quite soon. "It's a new season, it's a new day. Fresh anointing coming my way." (Thanks for those words, Israel.)

I paint with oils. They take a blue forever to dry... That's probably what God says when He applies a new stroke to the "me" He's designing... "Will she ever be ready for the next coat, fresh colors, new life?" And I'm thinking, "When will this layer EVER come off and reveal what's underneath?" Quite the paradox, yes?

So here's to a Fresh Canvas... a new way to paint and craft and create and blog and journal and ramble on... And breathe. And heal. And minister? Perhaps. Hopefully. Thankfully.

Thanks to Barb & Donna for your encouragement. I want to be like both of you when I grow up. Here we go!


  1. Love it waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy more than my luggage, even my maternal and paternal grandparents luggage . . .whoa . . .this is gonna be good! You go girl . . . you are amazing with words and I can't wait to see what comes out of this!

  2. You are an amazing woman! I love to read your quick witted writings that are so funny and many times so, so true. I think you should work on a book if this blog thing words out for you! Love ya!
