Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I'm thankful today for this little-big word: trust. I've recently joined an on-line Art Journal group. The leader posts a weekly prompt that we are to use for a journal page. This week's prompt was TRUST.

......................I put the photos above... you even get to see my sweet Kaliope Kitty!

In pondering this word, I discovered that I do not have an issue with trust, and it's primarily due to my daddy. (Yes, I'll always and forever call him daddy.) I have an amazing picture of a trustworthy "daddy-God" because of the love of my natural father. He was always - and will always be - loving and accepting and forgiving and THERE. Not perfect. Just there. If I wanted, I could still sit in his lap. Wouldn't even have to ask, just walk right up and move in - his arms would open and there we would be.

{Unfortunately today, that would probably result in his untimely demise, so I won't be actually sitting in his lap, but you get the drift here, yes? Metaphorically speaking and all that...}

This leads me to a similar picture of God. Open. Forgiving. Accepting. There.

Which brings me back to the topic of TRUST. (See how fun that little circle was?) I've had my share of moments in life that would want to create a heart of mistrust inside me. I'd wager the same is true for you. But somehow, trust is there.

I wrote a list of questions that have been floating around in my head. Then I stamped the word TRUST right on top of them. After TRUST, I placed a ginormous period. That's right - a giant dot that ends the word. TRUST {that's all}.

Then I covered the questions with a swirly white pretty thingy. Here's what I put on the opposite page: I'm not interested in burying my questions. {After all, they're a part of who I am.} However, I do want to cover them in a swirly blanket of TRUST in the One who will bring me to the answers {in HIS time}.

The scripture on the side bar reads: "The praises of our fathers surrounded your throne; they trusted you and you delivered them. You heard their cries for help and saved them; they were never disappointed when they sought your aid." Psalm 22:4-5

I choose today to trust that God has it all figured out. He'll share it with me little by little... and just in time. Selah.