Monday, September 3, 2012


I haven't been here in a while. Too much of life tumbling around to stop and write - what a bummer. Today is Labor Day, and I'm doing exactly the opposite of that. I'm being lazy and spending quiet time with just me and God. No labor, just rest. Sweet rest.

So here's my Word for today...

Regarding deliverance from the onslaught of the enemy, I get to choose. I GET TO CHOOSE.

I can live under the raging battle, or I can stand up, take my place, and fight like a girl - like a girl who's covered by the blood of Jesus, which, by the way is pretty badass.

My goal is to live under the cloud of God's anointing. But what does that mean? I want to make decisions based on how God would make those decisions for me. From what I eat to how I spend my day, I want God's direction. And that works great... until the Enemy comes in like a flood. Oh, but I was told he would do that, yes? So what is my natural response? I wallow under a blanket of yuck. I look at the circumstances, blame others for my pittiful condition, and wallow somemore. Oh, and I eat. I eat a lot.

And then I talk with my daughters. Both of them. And in essence, they are the catalyst that brings me back to focus. They tell me that I'm better than this, and they are praying for me. One talks about a book she recently read that reminds her that she can do better than she is doing. The other says that she's going to be my drill sergeant, and stay on my case until I get it together. They remind me of who I am called to be. (Badass Warrior Princess - apparently, just like them.)

So I get up, and I fight. And I win. The cloud of the anointing is back. I still have flaming arrows all around, but they're not hitting me. Because ultimately, people aren't at the hub of my pain. It is the Enemy of my soul at the helm, "... seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:12). And I can fight him. And win.

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:12).

I have a choice today. I have choices everyday, for example, of whether or not I'm going to steal from a store. I chose long ago not to do that, so it never crosses my mind. I need to make that same choice today when it comes to my eating and to how I spend my time, how I discipline my son and what I allow to be the focus of my mind. I choose today to follow God's direction. Let my yes be yes, and my no be no. If I have to think about whether or not it is a correct choice - even for a moment - then I already have the answer.

I've made a choice. I'm going to win.